Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Do Social Service workers steal?

How can we be sure that workers or any government empolyee doesn't rob us blind.
The police service believes in the polygraph to tell if someones guilty of a crime so why don't we use this on all workers and supervisors? Evelyn hynes was my worker and she never gave me the allowance that was owed me for medical trips. Other workers own homes that they rent out to people on assistance. oppertunities for corruption. this country was built on the bases of steal form them before they steat from you. Lying and deciet is the food for the growth of the industry. look at the people that made up the power in canada and you'll see for yourself what kind of people this country raises. The cheating of the first Nations of their land and lives to Generals selling goods ment for our troops at the front in the first world war. Who watches the cook to see if he uses all the meat in the stew? Not in canada they are left to their own to do the right thing and some do but sadly most don't.


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